A Blast From The Past...
In this day & age, not even time can catch up with us if we are smart and do our homework.
Technology allows us to preserve our past by way of frozen semen. With the loss of T-Rex (who we DO have semen put up
on)- I've been searching for another option for breeding to Razor's females. I've been looking on and off for quite
some time and in each search I kept coming back to one dog that I just felt has a lot to contribute to the breed by way of
himself and his ancestors. He also holds a few of the dogs of the past that I'd like to see kept up close in our redbone
future. Proven reproducing hounds. By the time we got everything in order to get frozen semen on RC- he was gone.
Maybe another great loss for our redbone breed but as long as there is semen on dogs like RC and T-Rex and many of the other
great stud dogs out there- they are only but a breeding away.
We will be using RC's semen on a few select Razor females in 2007 and 2008. He expect
RC to throw track drive, mouth and a knack for working in the water. Ingredients that will compliment Razor's NITECH
females. Razor's pups are noted for their hard tree power and great drive. This will make a great combo.
Thanks to Joe Maitland for sharing some of his RC semen with us. We know how hard
that has to be since each breeding used is unfortunately 1 breeding less to use in the future.