
~~ JO & KAT ~~
Rochester, NY

It's mid-November.... the shows have slowed down, coon season is in full-swing, it's ALMOST time to jump into a Christmas panic, the first snow is on the brink of finding it's way to Ohio (and MAINE!)..... so what are two best friends and fellow competitors to do with their free time????
Hmmm, how bout "MEET IN THE MIDDLE"!!!!
That's what Joanne & I did this past weekend.  I drove the 8 hours from SW Ohio to Rochester, NY and she drove the 8 hours from Lebanon, ME to Rochester to have a little "girl time".  Anyone who has a family knows that it's nearly impossible to get time for yourself so this was a rare opportunity!! :)
The weekend was too short- we didn't get into NY until late afternoon on Friday but it was time well spent. 
I headed up with 3 dogs in tow.  Two that were going to Mark Michaels (whose dad drove 6 hrs from PA up to Rochester to pick up the dogs for Mark) and I brought Crown along to take up to Jo.  Jo also headed out with 3 dogs.  In her bunch were Mozart & Greta who were to come home with me and Humphrey.... who became the Bell of the Ball!!!  Hump is Jo's splash of off-color "mascot" and he is a RIOT!!
After saying our hellos, letting dogs out to stretch their legs and getting all set up in the hotel, we were HUNGRY!!!  Off to Cracker Barrel we went!  Next, our evening entailed a trip to PetSmart..... where Hump regrettably decided to go in with us. lol  He then got to perform a fashion show for the fellow shoppers as we tried costume after costume..... on HIM!  Then, Jo and I did a little shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop.... I didn't even know those guys existed!!!  Amazing store!!  I am going to look them up online and find out where the nearest one to me is! 
Once we got the dogs re-settled in for the night, we hung out in our hotel and exchanged interests.  For me, Joanne had brought a Penny Rug craft to teach me how to do.  It is amazing and I can tell I will be addicted!!  It's all hand done-- no sewing-- so right up my alley! :)  Jo's been going on and on about her penny rugs for months now so I was delighted to see what all the fuss was about.  I got to bring home my very own kit and I will be working on it for weeks to come.  Maybe someday, I'll even show Jo my handy-work.... maybe! :)
Next, I thought that it would be nice to share a love of mine with Jo.  I am an avid reader and going back to college to be a High School English Teacher so I read TONS of Young Adult novels (among many adult novels as well).  I decided to bring Jo my extra copy of Twilight.. by Stephenie Meyer.  If the title sounds familiar, it is because Twilight will come out in movie form on November 21st!  Don't miss it!!  Anyway, I handed over Twilight and sat down to work on my penny rug while Jo settled in to do a little reading.  It was pretty cool.
The evening ended with lots of snacks and Humphrey crashing in my bed for the night! :)
The next morning, after letting all the dogs get out and stretch their legs again, we packed up and headed back to Cracker Barrel for a late breakfast.  Way too quickly, it was time to go.  We said our goodbyes, to one another and to the dogs we were exchanging & went our seperate ways.
When we were on our way home.... we made plans for our NEXT girl weekend (ALL weekend-- not just 1 day!).....
Next stop....


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