'PR' Ringside Romeo (Romeo)
Sire: CCH GRCH AKC Supreme CH 'PR' Cherry Creek Ringside Gossip
Dam: CH 'PR' Gold Dust Perfect Storm
This litter was what started this "GOSSIP" venture we are currently tangled up in. :P A breeding that
has been talked about a year and has been in the "planning" stages since Autumn Oaks 2009. Once Scott Houston bought
Stormy from Phil Newland and sealed the deal that Stormy was going to be bred to Gossip, I knew that I would own a puppy from
that cross.
I originally booked a puppy, later bought Gossip, and then, bought TWO pups instead of one... the rest
of history.
I'm been fortunate to have the opportunity to watch Romeo & Bravo grow. They are gorgeous
puppies and their bloodlines say that they should be built right and that they were born for the show ring. Who knows,
maybe one of them will even decide to be my next dual-purpose/dual class prospect!
As of June 1, 2010- Melinda Hicks is Bravo's new owner. She will be getting him in about a week &
a half. I am pleased to see another awesome puppy go into a national campaigning show home. I wish Melinda the
best of success with Bravo. I know they will make an exciting team and keep the rest of us on our toes.