Date Of Birth: October 19, 2008
Sire: WSHOWCH GRWCH GRFCH GRCH 2005 Purina Outstanding Show Dog
of the Year 'PR' Only In America
(aka DUTCH)
Dam: GRCH AKC CH 'PR' Tree Rizin' Triple Crown
Height: 25 3/4" tall
Weight: 70#
Qualified for the 2009 UKC World Show
Qualified for the 2010 UKC World Show

Pictured on June 24, 2010-- LOVE my CHASE! |
Chase is out of the infamous Dutch X Trippy cross. He is STELLAR!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this
boy! He is a littermate to Kane, Nitro, Diego, & Pheonix. You should be seeing a lot of these hounds in the
showring in Mid-late 2010 and 2011.
As you can see, Chase has gorgeous deep rich red color, GORGEOUS angulation (both front shoulder &
rear angle!), and is super balanced with a fabulous top line. His temperament is also second to none: very outgoing
but oh so willing to please. He's a super easy handling dog and he will be the hub of my redbone show lines in terms
of a stud dog.
Chase & I have a date to get qualified for the 2010 World Show & then, we'll hit the big ring
at Autumn Oaks & try our hand there. I expect Chase to turn heads where-ever he goes. He's THAT kind of special.
Chase just bred ARIEL and we expect GORGEOUS puppies in last August. We are NOW ACCEPTING DEPOSITS on that breeding.
Below, you will find a showcase of the pups out of the first Dutch X Trippy breeding, Chase's older
brothers and sisters and you can read about their success and I will also post more pix of Chase as he settles in.

Chase on Tree |

Chase's 1st night on the treadmill! He did FABULOUS! |

Pictured @ 20 mths old- 'PR' Tree Rizin' Lord of the Ring (aka Chase) |


What else is there to do on a hot 85 degree day? Let's work on the bench! |

GRCH AKC CH Tree Rizin' Triple Crown (TRIPPY) |
The wins accumulated between Dutch & Trippy are awesome- much less their
offspring from the first breeding.
Here's a PARITAL list of SOME of Dutch's bigger wins:
GRFCH GRCH 'PR' Only In America
'05 UKC World Show Champion Overall
UKC World Champion Red Male
'03, '04. '06 & '07 National Grand Red Male- Autumn Oaks
'05, '06 & '07
Autumn Oaks- Pairs
'02 Winter Classic- Pairs
'05, '06, '07 Winter Classic- GRCH Red Male
'03 National
Days- Zone Winner
'05 National Days Best Overall Dog of Show
'05, 06 National Days- Pairs
'06 & '07
National Days- GRCH Male
'03 American Days- King of Show
'02 So Red Days- Best Male of Show
'02, '05,
07 So Red Days- Pairs
'03, 05, 06, 07 So Red Days- GRCH Male
'06 So Red Days- Best Overall Dog of Show
of Trippy's Bigger Wins:
GRCH AKC CH Tree Rizin' Triple Crown
'02 UKC World
Champion Redbone Female
'02 AKC World Champion Redbone Female & Best Female of Show
'02 ACHA World Champion
Redbone Female
'02 NKC World Champion Redbone Female, Best Female of Show & Overall Opposite Sex
'02 &
'05 National Grand Champion Red Female- Autumn Oaks
'02 National Red Days Best Overall Dog of Show
'02 American
Red Days Champion Female
'02 Kentucky Houndsmen Best Overall Dog of Show
'02 AKC Redbone Assn Queen of HUNT and SHOW
'03 So Red Days- Pairs
'02 US Redbone Days GRCH Female
In his 1st show ever.... |

Chase qualifies for the UKC World Show!! |
Below is a showcase of the winning pups out of the FIRST Dutch X Trippy
breeding: The KNIGHTS & LADY'S that have already fought competitively to bring their ROYAL FAMILY
TO THE FRONT of the Redbone Coonhound World!
We are proud to have produced such fine representations of our breed. I
will list a FEW of the wins that these dogs have had over the past few years. (These will be a very SHORT list-- this
page would be tremendously long if I tried to list ALL of Dutch & Trippy's wins- much less their offspring).

CH 'PR' Code Red Americas Warrior |
CH Code Red American Warrior-
Owned by David Driggers, GA:
2006 Winter Classic Redbone Pairs 2006 Southern Redbone Days Best Male of Show 2007
Winter Classic Best Male of SHOW
(Handled by Kat) 2007 Southern Redbone Days CH Male

GRCH 'PR' America's Patriot |
CCH WCH GRFCH GRCH America's Patriot
Owned by Dale & Laurie Young, MI
Co-owned by Dale Crigger, VA:
2006 American Redbone Days CH Male 2007 National Red Days GRCH Male & Best Overall Dog
of Show 2007 American Redbone Days GRCH Male & King of Show 2007 US Red Days- GRCH Male, King & Best Overall
Dog of Show 2008 American Redbone Days GRCH Male & King of Show 2008 Southern Red Days- GRCH Male (Both Days) &
King of Show 2008 American Redbone Days GRCH Male & King of Show
2009 UKC Premiere Top Ten Overall Redbone
2009 Southern Redbone Days Overall Dog of Show

'PR' Tree Rizin' Quadruple Crown |
CH 'PR' Tree Rizin' Quadruple Crown
Owned by Paige Renison & Chris Cottrill, OH
2008 ARCA Redbone Sectional Queen of Show

'PR' Rockin W America's Freedom |
Rockin' W America's Freedom
Owned by Lynn & Stefan Hill, TX:
2006 Autumn Oaks Best Red Female of Show
(Handled by Kat)

GRCH 'PR' Bolt Action Reverend Jones |
CCH GRCH Bolt Action Reverend Jones
Owned by Brandon & Leigh Tedder, SC:
2005 Autumn Oaks Best Red Male of Show 2007 Southern Red Days GRCH Male &
Best Overall Dog of Show 2008 National Red Days GRCH Male
2008 Grand American GRCH Male
2008 Winter Classic GRCH Red Male
2008 National Redbone Coonhound Assn Zone 4 Overall Dog of Show
2008 SETWD GRCH Male
2008 AKC SC Low Country Classic Overall Dog of Show
2008 Black Gold Southern Classic Overall Dog of Show
2009 Grand American GRCH Red Male
2009 AKC World Show Supreme Male

CH 'PR' Tree Rizin' Americas Most Wanted |
CH Tree Rizin' America's Most Wanted
Previously Owned & Campaigned by Tree Rizin':
2007 National Red Days Overall Zone Show Winner 2007 American Redbone Days CH Male (both
(Handled by Kat)